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Out of the Blue

Marjorie Tixier

When destinies intertwine...

Rosanie has been unable to speak since a tragedy from which she has no recollection. For twenty years, she has been living in her small and confined world, protected by the man who saved her, and who is now her husband.
Félice used to be an athletic and determined young woman, until she lost the use of her arms and legs after a climbing accident.
Estelle has always felt like an orphan, despite the profound devotion of her father. The absence of her mother, and the secret that is lying behind it are too strong.
Rosanie, Félice, Estelle, three women who experience solitude in their own way. Three women that an old story will unite, to finally unveil the truth.

Born in 1977, Marjorie Tixier lives in Savoie. A pro¬fessor of modern literature, she also writes poetry and draws her inspiration from music, painting and travel.

Number of pages : 336

Publication : 19/08/2021

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