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Pirates of God

François-Henri Soulié

Could a Roman Emperor be even crueler than the pirates he arrested?

Jerusalem, year 326. Five bodies are discovered, marked on the forehead by a fish-shaped wound.
In his palace in Byzantium, the bloodthirsty emperor Constantinus - who is trying to impose Christianity on his people - sees this as a personal affront. Tyrannical and paranoid, he entrusts his mother Helena with the mission of going to Jerusalem to find the relics of Christ's passion and complete the conversion of the Empire.
On the ship crossing the Mediterranean, Aurelius, the emperor's advisor, begins to investigate the strange murders. But two young pirates, Kyros and his friend Galeo, are on board, plotting their revenge. Plots, storms and betrayals intertwine. At the end of the crossing, Fate completes a tragedy that will change the face of the world.

François-Henri Soulié is an eclectic theatre artist: writer, actor, puppeteer, set designer, director and scriptwriter. He received the First Novel Prize of the Beaune Festival in 2016, and was awarded the Prix France Bleu - Grands Détectives and the Prix Historia for Angélus.

Number of pages : 450

Publication : 01/02/2024

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